
I've been traveling since the day after my high school graduation ceremony.

What remains when you die is not what you have gained, but what you have given.

A backpacker travels around the world with only one bag.

When we are alive, we want many things.
We want to own a lot of things.We want to own many things, as if it is our status.It seems like we need a lot of things to survive.

Backpackers have to travel with less luggage which is why I am good at figuring out what is necessary for me.

A friend of mine, who spent ten years cycling around the world, told me that for a person to live for ten years, they only need as much luggage as they can carry on their bicycle. He seemed so happy and joyful. I learned a new value of happiness from him.

What is truly important to you?
When I graduated from high school and started traveling, my small backpack was filled with carefully selected things that were truly important to me.

I tried being alone once.This meant letting go of my position, honor, friendships, and family, and going to a completely unknown place with just myself and this one bag.
I have learned that the things that really matter to me are surprisingly few.There was a time when I lost the money that I thought was so important.There were times when I lost my cell phone.Still, I managed to come through.

Many people seem to be desperate to own better things.Do those things really make that person happy?

"Everything is just a tool to polish my soul."
These are the words of a samurai. I like this quote.You can't take money or status with you to the afterlife.Everything is borrowed from someone else.

I want to be a person who can think about what I can do for the people in front of me rather than what I can get for myself. I want to think about how I can have a positive impact on the people in front of me.

I know what is really important to me because I have given it all away once and now, I only have the "little things" that are really important to me.

Thank you for everything.
"What will be left of you when you die is not what you got, but what you gave to someone else."
