
I've been traveling since the day after my high school graduation ceremony.



昨日懐かしい友達が僕の家を訪ねてきた。 彼と会うのは4年ぶりぐらい。彼とは19歳の時に一緒に無人島生活をした仲だ。 ワイルドでアウトドアな彼はきちっとしたスーツを着てやってきた。 僕の中の彼のイメージは波乱万丈な人生を歩むバックパッカーだ。 彼と…

What remains when you die is not what you have gained, but what you have given.

A backpacker travels around the world with only one bag.When we are alive, we want many things. We want to own a lot of things.We want to own many things, as if it is our status.It seems like we need a lot of things to survive.Backpackers …

Let's laugh. The mirror does not laugh before you.

What an old man I met at a hot spring in Nagano Prefecture taught me. When I was a teenager, I was hitchhiking all over Japan.During my trip, I visited a hot spring deep in the mountains of Nagano Prefecture.While I was in the hot spring, …